We have provided this website as a source of introduction to our practice and a chance to present limited educational information. This information is no substitute for individual patient assessment based upon the healthcare provider's examination of each patient and consideration of laboratory data and other factors unique to the patient. Although we have tried to create a reliable and accurate website, it is not a substitution for an actual consultation to a physician since every patient condition is unique which deserve a detailed investigation and treatment by a physician or other healthcare providers. Please consider this site as an information center only. Arthritis Medical Clinic, its doctors and employees are not liable for the content of the information, accuracy, or any errors that is provided in the website or the links provided. Please note that we are not liable and we will be legally immune if any loss or damage occurs due to reliance on our site. Standards and practices in medicine change as new data become available and every individual should seek medical professional and possibly consult a variety of sources. Arthritis Medical Clinic prohibits reproduction and redistribution of any part of the website without obtaining written permission.